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It’s very exciting to know that you have chosen to serve at NCH! It is a passion of ours to see God use you along with other fellow members to glorify Him as we all serve each other in the Spirit of the Ministry.

Serving in the house of God gives you an opportunity to be a part of a smaller community of individuals who share the same passion for the Kingdom of God as you study the Word together, pray for one another and experience the power of building relationships while using your gifts impact the lives of others.

Your Spiritual Gift

You were given a gift by God for the common good of the Body of Christ. As you put these God-given gifts to use in his house, he will never forget your labor of love. “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do… Hebrews 6:10

(If you have not taken our BELIEVE Academy Classes, click HERE to Register)

To learn more about our Life Ministries, click HERE.

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