Congratulations! We are so excited to share this journey with you and your future spouse.
The Bible says that marriage is honorable among all. (Hebrews 13:4) He means it to be an honorable relationship for both parties. There is no place in God’s heart or plan for mankind for oppression, either on the part of the man or the woman, regardless of what culture or background we come from.
In Proverbs 18:22 we read, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing.” God blessed the marriage relationship from the beginning (Genesis 1:27-28), and He clearly intended it to be one of mutual trust in and faithfulness to one another. As companions on the way of life, husband and wife can work together as a team, and learn to love one another more and more, so they can grow together in everything that is good. If this is our experience, then we can truthfully say we have a happy marriage, knowing at the same time that what is good can always be better!
Church facilities are not available on Sundays, the day before Easter, and in the month of December. We would also require at least 2 weeks notice prior to the wedding thanksgiving date for adequate preparation and accommodation. Thanks and God bless your union in Jesus Name.